
Got a Review Request? Or Questions?

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Book Review Policy:  

I am currently accepting review requests from authors and publishers.  Due to time constraints, I am unable to grant every request, but I will give full consideration and a timely response to all submissions.

I review only fiction titles, both Adult and Young Adult.  I will read almost any genre as long as I find the story to be of interest.  (Please see my welcome message for the full list of my preferred genres.)

My reviews are honest, expertly written, free of spoilers, and lengthy.  I include a brief plot summary, along with my thoughts and feelings about various aspects of the book.  Topics I often touch upon are quality and style of writing, characterization, plot coherence and pace, imagery, and my emotional response to the narrative.

I review for both NetGalley and Edelweiss+.  My reviews are also posted on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

I employ a five-star rating system in line with what is used on Goodreads.  I do award half stars — but I never round up.

Thank you for your interest in Bantering Books.  I look forward to hearing from you.

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